From Friday 29th May to 5th June
What do you want to visit?
The zoo?
The deep blue sea?
The funfair?
A farm?
You have 2 weeks to make a Diorama using everything you can find at home: Lego bricks, Playmobil, toy animals, pasta, beans, sticks, toy cars, a tray, a shoe box, cardboard, paper, pebbles, empties, etc... Send a photo to your teacher!
Here you have more ideas:
The aquarium, the jungle.
The museum, the beach, the street.
The Stone Age, dinosaurs.
London, New York, Paris.
The park, your class, your bedroom.

Tienes dos semanas para hacer un diorama. Usa lo que encuentres por casa: piezas de Lego, de Playmobil, animales de plástico, legumbres, pasta, palitos, cochecitos, una bandeja, una caja de zapatos, cartón, papel, piedras pequeñas, envases vacíos, etc... ¡Envía una foto!