In some points the depth reaches 200 m. and there are numerous underwater canals that flow to the sea.
It´s a lake surrounded by mountains, what makes it very shady.
People say that the Loch Ness Monster, also known as Nessie lives there.
The legend about the existence of a huge creature living in the Loch Ness is not modern. The first reference to the monster is in the year 565 AC when a missionary called Saint Columba encountered a strange creature.

It is described as an enormous animal, with a round body, a long neck, a small head and fins.
It has got dark red skin similar to anphibians´skin.
It is about 8 or 9 m. long and it looks like a giant eel.
In 1938, a person took some photos of the monster, but later they confessed they were a fraud.
In 1936, 50 people said that they had seen Nessie near the castle of Urquhart during 15 minutes.
In 1960, T. Dinsdale recorded a short video in which a strange shape emerges from the lake.
Scientists don´t believe in the existence of Nessie, because they say the sightings would have been much more usual and they would have found bones from other Nessie´s relatives.
Scientists explain these sightings like simple mirages, light distorsions, confusion with a wood in the water, seals, water effects or even bubbles produced by volcanic activity.
This is the video recorded by Tim Dinsdale about "Nessie" swimming along the lake, but a lot of people think that it is only a motor boat going at high speed.
At this time, nobody can say if "Nessie" exists or not.
So the mistery continues...
Published by Gloria Magaña